“He conquers minds, as well as hearts, wherever he goes; and without convincing anybody’s reason of any one thing, exalts their reason, and makes their minds worth more than they ever were before.”
There is no point if you make the individuals mind seem obsolete. They won’t change out of choice but only need.
I walk in the water to cleanse from the frustrations of next doors dogs. Yes, the battle still reigns in my world – And the water still holds the winter temperatures. But I no longer wish to shout at everyone.
Have we changed? As the shops reopen the beaches are desiccated once more. I won’t lie I’m part delighted with the peace. Selfishly. Nature was only a filler for most.
I’m often very aware of my own limitations. Both in seeing and helping. I worry that my writing ‘War in my lifetime” seemed privileged. I can’t be everywhere in the world – or can I? Surely since most pain is caused by what we view as ironically the developed world. If I develop them more – there’s the potential to cause less pain?
So maybe I don’t live in as helpless a way as I sometimes feel.
After all only the developed have luxury of each choice to make. Not made from a position of need. You don’t need to buy the cheapest clothing garment. It can start with the simplest choice of your toothbrush. Will it live beyond you? Can you eat more ethically? Will you choose the simpler life now? Do you have to travel? Will you continue to work to live rather than in reverse? Will caring for the ageing seem like a better idea after all than farming them out? Will you plan a family so you don’t have to choose between a job or being a parent? Are two going to make that choice rather than asking one to feel guilt? A child needs an abundance of love for secureness. One I know they won’t gain in a creche. Will families contain multiple generations again?
Do others really have to ask these questions for you?
Can someone please create an economic structure that is not based on need? How many trees need to be planted – could these not be a business? Could the developed not go online and buy a tree to plant instead of an onesie?
And the biggest one of all – how does education help you? What is education? The ability to cook a meal when you can’t eat out? The right to more choices? Or the need to feel superior?
Naoisé 13th July 2020