What factors affect how well we do in exams? You would think it is all down to how much time
Mocks and the sky falling in, Chicken Licken Syndrome Sometimes I ask why do we do the mocks? In fact,
How do you feel when your life is out of balance? What are the signs of your life being out
For Episode 285 of the podcast I originally found this labyrinth in an Alice Walker book - The Same River
  Introduction Podcast to series 6:   Five Ranks (of Ts'ao-tung): Introduction links: http://www.thezensite.com/ZenTeachings/Miscellaneous/TheFiveRanksoftheHouseofTsaotung.htm https://www.buddhistdoor.net/dictionary/details/five-ranks-of-tsao-tung   My version of the
I started writing down what I say because others were paying more attention than I was!
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This is the podcast I recorded to go with my scribbles in my journal.   I decided to give a
This is the first method I ever drew out on the table - using whiteboard markers as we wrote directly
  "....and also my growing realization that the sincerest struggle to change the world must start within." Alice Walker Forward